Russell Cambridge
Managing Director - BigginScott Richmond
Living with Black Mould: The Nightmare of Long-Term Renting. The story of my mould ridden rental experience with BigginScott Real Estate agency Richmond Victoria.
For years I have lived in a rental property that was slowly poisoning me. The culprit? Black mould. It crept across the walls, spread behind furniture, and embedded itself in the very air I breathed. Despite countless reports to the real estate agents, nothing of consequence was ever done to protect me from the immediate risks and long term exposure.
At first, it was just an eyesore. Dark patches would appear, and no matter how much I scrubbed with vinegar or mould remover, they always came back. Then came the smell—a damp, musty stench that never fully faded. I started noticing my clothes always smelled mouldy, no matter how many times I washed them. The worst part? I couldn’t even have friends or family over. The embarrassment of exposing people to my toxic living conditions kept me isolated.
Over time, the health effects became undeniable. Constant fatigue, persistent coughs, headaches, and congestion became my new normal. I’d wake up feeling like I hadn't slept. My sinuses were always blocked, my skin irritated, and my breathing felt heavier every day. It wasn’t until I started researching that I realised the real danger: black mould isn’t just gross—it’s hazardous. It can cause respiratory issues, weaken the immune system, and exacerbate conditions like asthma and allergies.
Despite multiple requests to the number of property managers of multiple real estate agencies over a span of over 4 years, their response was always dismissive. “Just wipe it down,” they’d say. “Open a window", "clean it yourself". As if my suffering was simply a matter of poor hygiene. BigginScott Richmond have been the most recent property manager of the property since June 2023, they have known about the mould issue since taking on the property. After my repeated complaints, they have reported the mould to the Body Corporate, sent a cleaner in once over the entire period to remove the mould (after my request), have had a builder attend the property to inspect the issues and have this month arranged for a 'rising damp/mould specialist to come have a look'. However, over a span of over 4 years, nothing has ever really been done to ensure my health and safety. The underlying issue is the apartment has major issues with damp and water and the cost to repair is something the body corp and owners have, I believe, avoided at my expense.
Eventually, my health has deteriorated to a point where I have no choice but to try and vacate this month, which is proving difficult without having a reference and applying against countless applicants for other rental properties. The experience has left me physically drained, emotionally exhausted, and furious at a system that allows landlords and real estate agents to ignore tenant welfare. No one should have to live like that. To add insult to injury, I was whacked with a rental increase from BigginScott after year 1 of them taking over the property, outrageous to raise the rent considering the state of the property.
In fairness, BigginScott have addressed other maintenance issues promptly, like leaking taps and a burst water pipe from the apartment above. The property managers have been courteous and professional in dealing with other previous matters.
After seeking recent medical attention, I have now been prescribed numerous medications to deal with the affects of the mould in my lungs and throughout my respiratory system. I have been prescribed; - Salbutamol 100mcg (inhaler) - Antihistamine daily - Dymista nasal spray - Zaditen eye drops - Ventolin inahler when needed
Having just started to organise myself to move out, going through my possessions, I have realised the mould has destroyed my clothes, furniture and other household items, requiring a completely fresh start. I have also taken time off work to deal with the ongoing health affects.
Black mould isn’t just a cosmetic issue—it ruins lives. And I’m proof of that.
Disclaimer: This review website is based on my personal experience and opinions. It is not intended to defame, misrepresent, or cause harm to any specific individual, business, or organisation. The URL of this site does not imply any affiliation with any business or organisation. All statements reflect my honest perspective, backed up with factual evidence including medical scripts and photographs I have personally taken, the statements made are not meant to be taken as definitive claims of fact. If you are experiencing similar issues, I recommend seeking legal or professional advice. This review has been purely published to help others avoid adverse side affects of back mould in rental properties.